Here we are in week 2 of a new year and Christmas seems like it was a long time ago. What will make this year more successful than the last one? How will you measure your achievements? What do you want to be different? What are your hopes and dreams?

I believe that the only way to bring about change is to develop self-awareness and thus self-care.

Its all about balance.


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?

William Henry Davies 1911

Written over a 100 years ago this extract of the poem Leisure highlights the need to be still, to recalibrate. It is in the stillness that we can become aware of what is missing in our lives. It is during those times that we may become mindful of our circumstances. Stillness may not be a literal physical stillness, although that is beneficial, it may be an inner space that enables you to re-focus.

Sometimes it is about the way we look at something, our perspective. It is the way we phrase something that affects how we view it. We take our dogs for a walk instead of going walking with them. We pop to the shops and make a mad dash instead of browsing. We grab a quick snack instead of taking time to savour our food.

I know that life is hectic and stressful and crammed to the brim. And I know that it is not always a bad thing. The fact remains that there are too many of us off sick and not living to our full potential. So how can we bring about change?

I am going to write a series of articles on self-care and I hope that you will make time and  space to read them.